Title: Slippery When Wet Fandom: Bleach Character/Pairing: Matsumoto/Hitsugaya Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 161 Notes: Request ficlet written for chriek with the prompt "Matsumoto/Hitsugaya; bubble bath".
Title: Baby with the Bathwater Fandom: Harry Potter Character/Pairing: Hermione/Pansy Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 221 Notes: Request ficlet written for lickingbeads with the prompt "Hermione/Pansy; wet".
Title: Coming Clean Fandom: Bleach Character/Pairing: Orihime/Tatsuki Rating: hard R for sexual content Word Count: ~1700 Notes: Written to fulfill esotaria 's request for bleach_yurithon.